Extracting great espresso may take a little practice to master and will definitely take some experimentation, which is all part of the fun. Grind, weight and time are key factors when extracting espresso and most likely you’ll have to adjust one or more of these elements several times to get your shot dialed in. We recommend using about 18 to 20 grams, depending on your filter basket, the coffee and how many days it is off the roast.
Espresso Machine
Medium roasted coffee
Distributor (optional)
Dosing cup
Knock box
Espresso cup
Remove the portafilter from your espresso machine’s group head and clean with a towel the filter basket carefully. Place now the portafilter on a scale and tare the weight.
Purge your group head at least for 3 seconds with hot water.
Fill up your grinder with medium roast coffee (8-15 days roasted) and grind 18-20 grams into the basket. The extraction must be around 30 seconds for a double espresso, so it might be necessary to adjust your grinding settings a little bit to get the best result. Use a distributor tool or your finger to distribute perfectly the coffee into the basket for a better extraction. Please do not knock the tamper beside the portafilter or knock the basket in other things!
After distribution, place the portafilter on a flat surface and position your tamper level on top of the grounds, applying pressure downwards. The pressure must be around to 20-25 pounds. Spin your tamper gently in order to smooth the grounds and clean the spouts.
Place the portafilter in the group head carefully and start the shot. Use a timer to check your grinding setting. Also, you can use a scale to measure the extraction in your cup (50 gr for a double espresso).
Stop the extraction and check again the timer. Near the 30 second mark, the extraction will end. You must have a nice espresso crema and full of aromas, before you taste.
Swirl well or use a spoon to break the crema and enjoy!